727 Atlantic Ave / Boston, MA / 617-451-0894
727 Atlantic Ave / Boston, MA / 617-451-0894

Upload Page


Colortek of Boston makes ordering your prints easy!
Use our  WeTransfer channel to upload up to 20 gb of files in one click!
Please read the direction below and then click here to get started!  


Follow these five easy steps:

1. Click the + symbol to choose your files or Drag and Drop a folder.

2. Our email address will be in the 2nd box (info@colortekofboston.com)

3. Add your email address.

4. Enter what you would like done in the message box.  Please include your name and phone number so we may contact you with questions!

5. Click Transfer!



For rush or specialty services, please call ahead.
Have any questions?  Call us at 617-451-0894

Colortek of Boston WeTransfer:  https://colortekofboston.wetransfer.com